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The vision I have for the future NVAC is one where we edify, uplift and treat one another with Dignity, Fairness and Respect. I promise to build a table where everyone can bring their chair, have a seat and is guaranteed that their voices will be heard.  The current administration has done an amazing job driving the train to the docks.  Now it is time for us to sail onto the greater achievements bringing the past, current and future generations along.  I will follow through on this promise by using agape love, which is the highest form of love humans can have for one another.  When I become the next NVAC President, I will donate half of my salary to establish a paid advisory board.  The advisory board will consist of Ms. Alma Lee and any of the current officers who are not reelected.  Who are we? Are we not our Brothers and Sisters Keepers?  The old way of doing elections is winners and losers, but elections run using agape love creates winners and more winners.  When I become the next NVAC President I will create an esteemed position for my opponent using my own salary, but if my opponent wins there will be no room at the table for me.


Another vision is to establish a mentorship program with the Advisory Board impressing wisdom onto future NVAC leaders, preparing them to take on leadership roles all throughout the council. There are a lot of untapped potential waiting to be unearthed, but unfortunately we have not struck that vein of gold. When we do, there will be a bountiful of resources available to every single VA local who needs it.  According to Napoleon Hill, more gold has been dug from the mind of humans than from the core of the earth.  Having the minds of the past, present and future at the same table will not only move mountains and redirect streams, but it will move volcanoes and redirect lava. Please click on each link below to read more about the exciting vision for the NVAC.

Create a Bigger Table

Improve Support For Locals

Mentorship Program

Hire NVAC EEO Attorneys

Fight Wrongful Trusteeships

Internal Resolution Department (IRD)

Advisory Board

Stay Ready

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