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We will establish a mentorship program to groom up and coming NVAC leaders to evolve into higher leadership roles within the council.  Within the next four years, 65% of the federal workforce and our Union will be individuals 40 years and tinder.  The NVAC mentorship program's main objective is to tap into the untapped potential possessed by local officers and condition them into leadership roles; NVAC President, 1st VP NVAC, 2nd VP NVAC, 3rd VP NVAC, NVAC Treasurer, District and National Representatives.


The NVAC Advisory Board along with other seasoned leaders within the federation will mentor the up and coming generation of NVAC unionists.  With the wealth of knowledge our seasoned representatives possess, coupled with the  untapped potential of the next generation, our mentorship program will revolutionize our quality of representation.  


The enemy of good is great, and for us to get to great we must create a pipeline for knowledge to be shared with the next generation and create space at the table where all our voices matter.   It is said that, the day you no longer know where you are going, just remember where you came from and in order for the next generation of Unionists to know where they are going, it is imperative to know where our seasoned leaders came from. 

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