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To successfully move forward in our evolution it is important we bridge the gap between the current and incoming generation of unionists.  When I become the next NVAC President I will donate half my salary  to fund an advisory board consisting of Ms. Alma, Mr. Oscar, Ms. MJ and Mr. Bill. 


In the African culture a griot is an oral historian with a wealth of knowledge on local history and its relevance to current events .  When a griot passes on, it is as though a library burnt down.  Each council member (Alma, Oscar, MJ, Bill) is a library of information that will be imparted on the up and coming NVAC leaders enrolled in the mentorship program. The NVAC mentorship program will bridge the gap between generations easing the pathway for the transfer of knowledge and allow trust to be restored.


We have many more seasoned leaders within the federation that will be selected to work  within the mentorship program, grooming future unionists for National roles and responsibilities.  Within the next 4-6 years 60-70% of the national workforce will be individuals 45 and under.  The future is here as we can no longer carry the attitude of, we will cross the bridge when we get there.  We must build a ship, pull it up to the bridge and sail onto the greater achievements with all generations and genres included.  We must learn from the past, apply the lessons learned to the future and be present enough to build a table where everyone can have a seat no matter their point of view (POV).  An intelligent mind is one that can hear another POV without accepting it.


Additional responsibilities of the Advisory Board will be to report out to all VA locals on a quarterly basis, frequent meetings to foster a healthy relationship, insight to current happenings within the council and progress update on the mentorship program.  The role is minimal, but impactful and as the incoming generation of unionists we have equally as much a responsibility to build an inclusive table as they do with passing wisdom onto us.  We were given two ears and one mouth in which both generations use proportionately; we will begin to hear each other and respond accordingly.

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